Live Streamed Comedy is a live open mic comedy show we host on the Internet using the Zoom conferencing system.
When it was announced that New Zealand was going into total lock-down to eliminate the transmission of Covid-19 in the population, all entertainment venues including live New Zealand comedy shows closed down.
We chose to continue producing comedy and started Locked Down Comedy on day 3 of the lock down. We ran it nightly for 2 weeks while we were learning how to effectively use the technology and determine the best nights to run the show. After two weeks we dropped back to twice a week alternating between Monday + Thursday and Tuesday + Friday.
With New Zealand now in level 2 with bars & clubs open in the near future, we have renamed the show to Live Streamed Comedy & announced that come level 2 we will run it as a once a week show.
During its run, Locked Down Comedy hosted many comedians, mostly from New Zealand but we also had people performing from their homes in England, Japan & Malaysia.
Performing in live streamed stand up is very similar to performing in front of a live audience, except that the performer has to consider some issues that they never need to consider in a well run comedy show.
More information on the show from a performer viewpoint is on the Live Streamed Comedy website.
Although it’s hardly core business for us, we are capable of running a streamed entertainment show over zoom tailored to your requirements. We can also train your staff in producing and performing in these shows. If this interests you, please contact us to discuss your requirements.